Jill Nicollini Interviews Elizabeth Toller

Elizabeth Toller was interviewed by Jill Nicollini for the Podcast Business News Network.

Elizabeth also known as Aunt Betsy is an Intuitive Tarot Coach.

Jill Nicolini (00:08):

Broadcasting from the business capital of the world. This is the podcast business news network, And we are now joined by Elizabeth Toller, better known as Aunt Betsy. So exciting to have you here. How's everything?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (00:22):

It's great. I'm so excited to be here.

Jill Nicolini (00:24):

Well, thank you. It's great to get to see you here. We are live on the podcast as well as live on zoom. Would you mind introducing yourself to our listeners today to start?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (00:33):

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Toller. I'm better known as Aunt Betsy and I'm an intuitive life coach. I use my abilities as a psychic medium and Tarot reader to help you find the answers you need to live a life you love.

Jill Nicolini (00:49):

Beautiful. And where are you based at is specifically

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (00:52):

I'm out of Southern California,

Jill Nicolini (00:54):

But you work with people all over the world, right?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (00:57):

Yes, I do. I've had clients in Australia, Canada, and the middle east.

Jill Nicolini (01:04):

Wow. So you're a psychic, you're a medium there's, you're an intuitive, you're an empath. There's a lot to you. Would you mind just giving us a little bit of your background? I think it's important for us to get to know you. Where'd you grow up? When did you realize you had this gift and tell us a little bit about yourself and then we'll, we'll talk, you know, more of other things that you could do and help us with?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (01:25):

Well, I was born and raised in Southern California and I began my working career working at Disneyland. Yay. Most people love that about me.

Jill Nicolini (01:35):

Yeah, of course.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (01:39):

I was a very young child when I realized had this ability. I remember being at a funeral when I was about four years old and wondering why there was the body in the casket and the body standing next to the casket. Wow. And that I was able to talk to him. So it's been my whole life that I've had this ability. And in the last several years, I've really been working to bring it out and to really help people with it.

Jill Nicolini (02:05):

Wow. you, you say you help so many people, clearly a lot of us do live busy lives, right. And yes, there's something usually holding us back. So you're telling me, you can meet with someone here, zoom face to face, on a call and just feel it, figure it out. How does it work? I love, I love this.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (02:22):

It all starts with asking the right question. And once we formulated the question to get the information you truly need, I can tap into the universe and get that from you. I use Tarot cards. I use pendulums and I can really pull out that information. It's the information that's trapped in your subconscious. And I like to refer to it as the information that you do don't know that you don't know.

Jill Nicolini (02:45):

Yep. Wow. Well, how do you ask the questions to get life changing answers? Ha ha.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (02:52):

Well, I do have a guide on my website that can help you formulate the question.

Jill Nicolini (02:57):

Tell us, by the way, what is the website?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (02:59):

It is AskAuntBetsy.com. And there's a big link that says click here for your guide to ask for the nine tips to ask Tarot question for life changing results.

Jill Nicolini (03:11):

Beautiful. Wow. The nine tips to ensure a life changing tower reading as well. And you're also offering a coupon if they sign up on the website as right.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (03:19):

Yes. They'll get $25 off the email reading. It's usually $75. So $25 off will be $50 for an email reading. And they just fill out the form for the email reading with their question after they've read the guide. So we can really hone in on their correct questions to get them truly the information that they you need. And the question is really about being specific about what you need to know and asking an open ended question. Yes. And no questions don't work really well for me. Yeah. It's really about gathering the information that you need to know about the path that you're on in life and then making a choice, whether you like that path or not. And if you don't like that path, then gathering the information to get you on a path that's more, more desirable for you.

Jill Nicolini (04:08):

Got it. Well, let me ask you this. A lot of people, questions they all wanna know about career changes, probably life relationships are those all things you can help people with.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (04:17):

Absolutely. The most prominent questions are about relationships, mostly romantic relationships and about career, whether or not they're on a good career path. They're thinking about changing career paths, what would be a good path for them? And that those are the two main, main parts. And then also a lot of family, you know, people wanna know what's to do about certain San.

Jill Nicolini (04:41):

And do you also, can you also tap into the other side to the loved ones we lost as well?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (04:46):

Yes. Perfect. Yes. If somebody is wanting to connect with a loved one on the other side, I can do that as well. And they usually have messages to help them on their life path as well.

Jill Nicolini (04:58):

Now, how do you shut it off Anne? Betsy, it's gotta be, I mean, you into a supermarket, are you like overwhelmed with people's thoughts and energy and do you feel, or do you, you just know how to push it away?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (05:09):

I've learned over the years how to push it away, but I'll tell you kind of a funny story. My grandfather was the Iceman in Redondo beach, California during prohibition and a man named Tony Conero went to gambling ships off the coast of California and he became kind of a family friend. So when I was really starting to develop this and really did need to learn how to shut it off, I connected with Tony Conero and he has said a couple of his goons. So they've got the little velvet rope and they hold them off until I say they can come in. Oh,

Jill Nicolini (05:41):

Look at that. Perfect. Wow. That's awesome. And Betsy, let's talk, I know in your notes you wanna focus to start specifically on Tarot correct? Yes. To start, let's start there. So for example, you know, what is Tarot, not everybody is aware. Would you mind walking us through the process?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (05:59):

Tarot is a divination technique, and that is a technique just to tap into the information that the universe has for you and with the Tarot cards, it can really hone in onto that information that you need. Most people think that Tarot is fortune telling, and it's not. It's about information gathering and it's going to give you the predictable outcome based on the information. And if you don't like that outcome, we can change that. We can talk about ways that we can, you know, shift your perspective shift the path that you're on in life.

Jill Nicolini (06:34):


Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (06:35):

And, and gather new information.

Jill Nicolini (06:38):

So how many cards are in a Tarot deck? How does it work?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (06:43):

In a Tarot deck? There are 78 cards and there are two types of cards in the Tarot deck. There are the Major Arcana cards and these are the life lessons. This is the stuff that you were put on the earth to learn.

Jill Nicolini (06:55):


Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (06:56):

And then the major are the day to day. Okay. Kind of things, you know, the, the obstacles that you need to work on every day of your life and those cards also reveal patterns of your life so that if you're not liking a pattern that keeps showing up in your life. Yeah. We can look at those minor iconic cards, see what that pattern is and work on ways to change.

Jill Nicolini (07:18):

That's amazing. Did you pull like a, a card today for the show to know what you're gonna talk about?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (07:24):

I did not pull a card today, but most mornings I do just to see what, you know, what my day is gonna bring, what challenges I may come up again. Wow.

Jill Nicolini (07:33):

So you really get a new perspective of life, as you say. And yes. So the 22 may your Umana cards, you say those are the ones that represent lives. What would you call them? Karmic or spiritual lessons. Yeah. Okay. Got it.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (07:47):

Karmic or spiritual lessons

Jill Nicolini (07:48):

And then the other 56, those are the minor, minor, the

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (07:52):


Jill Nicolini (07:52):

Perfect. Perfect. Make sure we're getting everything. And then 16 represent 16 different personality characteristics. We may choose Ooh. To express at any given time. And that also includes 40 numbered cards. So organizing into four suits, you sent 10 cards. I'm trying to picture it because I haven't seen a deck of Tarot cards in years and now you're probably gonna pull them out in front of, I knew it I'm an intuitive, let me see.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (08:17):

Yeah. They look just like playing cards. Okay. Tarot deck started out as actual playing cards and then people started putting meanings to what the different pictures meant. Got it. And looking at the symbolism of the cards.

Jill Nicolini (08:30):


Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (08:31):

Okay. And that has developed into what we know is the Tarot today.

Jill Nicolini (08:34):

Okay. And now what about you use Tarot cards. What other forms of do you use pendulum? I think is that next to talk about?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (08:41):

I use pendulums.

Jill Nicolini (08:42):

Okay. And that is, and what exactly is a pendulum? I'm thinking like it's making you sleepy, is it, what is it a crystal on it? What, what what's, what is it entail?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (08:50):

It is, it's basically what I use is a chain with a crystal on it.

Jill Nicolini (08:56):

I knew it

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (08:57):

That gives yes and no answers. So we tap into the pendulum, we ask permission for to be able to use it. And then we ask it questions and it says yes or no, or it may not be able to answer it. And it'll just go in a circle and, you know, say that it either does doesn't have enough information. We haven't asked the right question. And that it can't really answer it well. So then we just need to hone in, like I said, it always comes back to asking the correct questions.

Jill Nicolini (09:25):

Well, I've heard, I mean, I don't know, you're an intuitive empath, but do you use Reiki at all? Is that something you do? Or?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (09:30):

I am not a Reiki practitioner.

Jill Nicolini (09:31):

Okay. But I've heard people who use Reiki and the energy moves with a, a certain way. If, if you're, yes. If things are going the right way, if they're not like, if it's your stomach shocker or something, it's going the opposite way and there's something wrong. So it, it just picks up on the energy of the person, of the body, of the being.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (09:46):

Yes. It picks up on the energy. I have some friends that are Reiki practitioners and use pendulums in, in their practice.

Jill Nicolini (09:53):

So really gives you that visual confirmation that yes, your gut is.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (09:57):

And I find one of the reasons that I use divination techniques, I use the Terra cards and I use the pendulum is to give my clients that visual of what is happening.

Jill Nicolini (10:07):

Yeah. I mean, you feel, you sense that, you know it, but they're like seeing is believing, let me see it. And it's like, yes. Yeah,

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (10:14):

Lots of doubting Thomas is out there. So me being able to show them something physical about what I, what I know in my, my being yeah. Then it really helps them to grasp onto it. And most people, it takes, you know, all five senses for them to learn. Yep. So them being able to see it in a well as hear it and feel it

Jill Nicolini (10:35):

Well, I was gonna, what about those naysayers out there? I'm sure you turned a lot of non-believers into believers. Right. And I have, I'm sure you are. So you probably welcome them in and it's like shocking to them, but could you talk about that? Someone saying, I don't believe this works or I, how many times there people been shocked leaving their, your chair or the zoom call. And they're like,

Speaker 3 (10:56):


Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (10:56):

Are, I get them all the time and I meet them in my day to day life. Oh, that's just a bunch of hog wash. And then I start telling them things that they, that nobody else could have known about them. One time I was sitting at a wedding and somehow I got sat next to the grandmother of the bride. And her husband had just died a few weeks before and she was really distraught about it. And I started giving her information of things that only she would know, and she was just blown away. Wow. And I was able to give her some relief from her grief.

Jill Nicolini (11:32):

Wow. That is amazing. Amazing. This is exciting work. Okay. So

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (11:38):

Then I had a whole wedding full of people who believed

Jill Nicolini (11:41):

Wow. And you do group readings as well.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (11:45):

I do.

Jill Nicolini (11:46):

I do. Okay. That must be fun. And nowadays with the pandemic in COVID, did that actually help your business since you're able to? Oh,

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (11:52):


Jill Nicolini (11:53):

Okay. Yeah.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (11:54):

At the beginning of the pandemic, you know, life shut down and people had so many things that they had been able to avoid in the busyness of life that they're now, you know, making their shower dough, bread and thinking.

Jill Nicolini (12:07):

Yep. It's so true

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (12:08):

About, you know, what has life been? You know, I don't know if you've seen, know the divorce rates and the abuse rates and all of that is just skyrocketed, cuz people didn't know how to cope with without all of the busyness of life.

Jill Nicolini (12:22):

Got it now. So,

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (12:24):

So yes, my business has been skyrocketing.

Jill Nicolini (12:27):

Great. And let me ask you in regards to COVID and the pandemic and clients full world has been, I anxious, depressed, I mean, change, we've been in an uproar the past two years. Is that something that with your abilities, you kind of sensed, is there anything that you can give to our audience today? Are you noticing any calm or peace in the future or is this just the new norm of life now? And so it's two part question it's about that. And then about the people you've been helping, are they dealing with more anxiety and stress career, those types of things

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (12:55):

Yeah. With the pandemic itself it became an emotional component as well as a physical component. The disease is there it's real. Yes. We know that, but for every person they have to decide when their pandemic is over and how they're going to move on from, from now, you know, taking into consideration, this is a real disease and we still need to take those precautions, but mentally and emotionally, how are they gonna move forward and end their pandemic and, and be able to live a life they love within those physical constraints. Cuz I don't know that this is going any in any place anytime soon.

Jill Nicolini (13:36):

Got it.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (13:37):

Yeah. You know, everybody's going to be cautious about their health. I think for many years to come and the masks I think are just gonna be part of our, our society now. Got

Jill Nicolini (13:50):

It. And those who are helping out, there's a lot of people that have been in up board like career. I mean, I'm sure you had to guide them through that because they lost their job. They've lost. So there a lot, I mean, is that something you can help people with today as well? The anxiety, the stress of all the change.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (14:05):

Yes. A lot of people lost their jobs and they're like, what are we gonna do now that we don't have that income? So we have record numbers of people starting businesses of their own. I belong to a couple of different women, entrepreneur groups and the numbers of those groups are just increasing by leaps and bounds because people need to figure out how to make a living without having to rely on somebody else.

Jill Nicolini (14:33):


Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (14:34):

Interesting. And I have helped a women really get focused on what they want their business to be and get them started on that.

Jill Nicolini (14:42):

Interesting. Great. Thank you. What else do you do? You work with numbers, right? Is it yes. Numerology or, okay, cool. Thank you.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (14:51):

Yeah. Numbers mean things and we see numbers, meaning things going all the way back to the, the Bible numerology was very prevalent in the Bible. There was a reason that he had 12 apostles and all of those numbers mean really great things. And on the terror, every card has a, so to be able to help give a deeper meaning to those cards. I also bring in the new neurology aspect of it. Mm. So yesterday I don't know. There was a lot of people talking about the two day 2 22, 22.

Jill Nicolini (15:26):

Yes. What? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (15:28):

Twos are all about relationships. No, not necessarily romantic relationships, any kind of partnership. So yesterday was a really significant day for partnerships. You know, whether you're starting one ending, one wanting to improve one yesterday was the day to do it.

Jill Nicolini (15:44):

Yes. Wow. Powerful. You booked solid yesterday.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (15:49):

I was,

Jill Nicolini (15:51):

I heard a lot. Lot of people were getting married too on that day. It's like a,

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (15:54):

Yes, it's a very lucky day to get married. Wow. And in the Chinese culture, toos are very important because it's all about family and relationships.

Jill Nicolini (16:03):

Wow. Interesting, good to know. All right. And so numerology and begin numbers. And when someone comes to you, what are there certain things that you need from them ahead of? Do you, you know, do you either birthday birth location or no, you just it's like here,

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (16:17):

It's all about the question. Wow. And then we go from their question and that's why I put together the guide on my website about the nine tips and how to ask a powerful question. Could

Jill Nicolini (16:28):

You give us a tip or two here today?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (16:31):

Yes. you really need to be focused on what you want answers to. If you're not ready to receive the information, then the reading, you really shouldn't be doing a reading. Good to know. You really need to be ready to receive that. Always ask in the positive, don't ask about what should I not be doing, but what do I need to do? What do I need to know to move forward from this situation? And it's really about themselves. You can't ask about what other people are doing around you. What do I need to know about this situation? Got it. What is the information I need to do? Cuz we can't change other people's but we can change how we deal with other people.

Jill Nicolini (17:13):

Mm. Very good. Thank you. All right. What else did you wanna talk about aunt Betsy? I love this.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (17:23):

Would you let me do a Tara reading for you?

Jill Nicolini (17:26):

I would love to. I was gonna ask that next. You probably felt it. I was like, can you put one of those cards for me? I, what do I need to do? Just relax. I'm willing. If we need

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (17:33):

To first, we need to talk about what do you wanna know about career love?

Jill Nicolini (17:40):

Both. It's not fair. I get to choose one. Whether

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (17:43):

Or not you're ever gonna win an Emmy.

Jill Nicolini (17:45):

How about no, I it's career or love? Which one? Whichever one you think comes first.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (17:56):

Let's let's do love. Okay. What do you need to know about your love life?

Jill Nicolini (17:59):

Huh? Okay. Well, first of all, I'll tell you, I I've never been married. I have two kids, five and seven. I never get that part of my life straight. And I look back to childhood knowing that I don't trust men because of my parents' relationship it, but I feel like I'm also stuck when it comes to love. But am I making excuses? Is there? I, I, I want everyone wants to love right? Be in love, have a relationship. I wanna be married. It's a dream I have, but it just never happens. So why what do I need to fix? Is there love in my future? I I'm dating someone now for a few months, but again, I'm also very guarded standoffish with anyone because it's hard for me to trust. So when do you see love, like a relationship love blooming into something more? Is there someone for me or am I meant to be this way? Which is okay, but

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (18:44):

Yeah. Well what do you need to know about your love life? So we have got, I'm gonna pull three cards from you. Okay. Goodness. You've got some good ones. We're gonna start with the page of coins. The page of coins is your immediate past. What has been going for you? The page is always, he's a messenger and he always brings you good news and coins are literally money in your case. So he is bringing you good news about your career.

Jill Nicolini (19:15):

Okay. Oh, works.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (19:18):

That in your immediate past and up until today, it's really been focused on your career and how to make that money and everything has been going so well for you. You are so successful in your career,

Jill Nicolini (19:31):

Kind of. Okay. Okay.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (19:34):

I know you haven't won that Emmy.

Jill Nicolini (19:35):

No, no, no. Yeah. I'm a Susan Luci, but that's okay. Okay.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (19:41):

But career has really been good and he's bringing you good news about that. Your career is gonna continue to move forward and you're on a really great career path.

Jill Nicolini (19:50):

Okay, good. I worry about that as the main, so, okay.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (19:54):

Yes. So career has been your focus for most of your life having to provide for two children,

Jill Nicolini (20:00):

Which I also feel that why my other side of my life's not as good. I focus so hard on something and now I don't have everything, but everyone has their path. Okay, go ahead.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (20:08):

Yes. So then we come to where you're at today and you're on the wheel of fortune and the, and it is literally the wheel of fortune, like the TV show.

Jill Nicolini (20:18):

Oh my gosh. Where

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (20:19):

Are you gonna

Jill Nicolini (20:19):


Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (20:20):

Well, you are not stopping on a bankrupt.

Jill Nicolini (20:23):

Okay, good.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (20:24):

And this is telling you that it it's really in your hands. If you truly want that relationship, then it is in your hands and you need to make the choices to move towards that. And you can have the love of your life if you truly want it.

Jill Nicolini (20:43):

Got it. So

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (20:44):

This is, even though you say you

Jill Nicolini (20:46):

Want it, do I Tru

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (20:47):

Want it in your soul?

Jill Nicolini (20:50):

Ah, wow. That's good. Yes. Wow.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (20:53):

Cause our minds can say it and we can speak the words, but if you don't truly want it in your soul, then it's not gonna happen. So this is your choice to truly make it in your, your soul.

Jill Nicolini (21:08):

Wow. All right. I,  wow. I, I do want it, but I always find, yeah, I say the word, but I find that I'm always, so I'm scared. Because to me it's been like career. And if I give up some of that to have that, what if it doesn't work out? And I, I get so scared. So, but no, I do want the love. It'd be nice to have love and a teammate you could strive and, and live together and be teamwork makes the dream work, miss Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy. But that'd be nice. Okay. Thank you for this advice. Go ahead.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (21:38):

Yeah. And we talked about major cards. The real fortune is a major card. Oh. So this is one of your life lessons in really making hard choices in your life. You know what, and this isn't going to be the only hard choice that you have been tasked with in this lifetime, But making those choices and really making those choices come true is one of your paths of this life. One of the, of things that you came into this life to do

Jill Nicolini (22:13):

Is to like work career wise, you mean, or

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (22:15):

No, no. To make those hard choices, to

Jill Nicolini (22:17):

Make the hard choices,

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (22:19):

To make the hard choices, to really learn how to make those hard choices and really make them in your soul and make them come true.

Jill Nicolini (22:27):

Got it. Wow. Is that true? Like everyone here on this earth, on this plane is sent here with like a not not a contract, like a piece of paper in a sense, like saying this is what you have to try to overcome this lifetime. I'm not saying it right. Yes.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (22:43):

Okay. But yes, you're getting the concept. I believe, and most people believe that we come here with, you know, the things that we need to learn. Yes. Things that we need to overcome, whether or not you believe in Carnation, you know, we pick our parents because of things that we need to learn from them and things that we need to learn in our life because of, of either past lives or just things that our soul desires to learn in this world.

Jill Nicolini (23:10):


Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (23:11):


Jill Nicolini (23:11):

Thank you.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (23:13):

So we come to our third card which is the world, which is another Majorana card. Okay. And it is also the end of the major. The Majorana tells a story. We start with the zero card, which is the fool who is the beginning of the journey. And the last card is the world. So what is coming for you in the future? If you make those hard choices about a relationship and what you want from the relationship, you get the world, you get that love of your life.

Jill Nicolini (23:50):

Wow. I thought, I mean, I thought it maybe also meant that I'm gonna travel the world. I just have like this passion in me and I don't know why it's burning so much. The past, my mom passed away almost five years ago now she was only 62. And I, I with her a lot in the end and now I have my five and seven year old and I'm trying to travel and I wanna conquer the world. I want, I wanna see everything. So I thought that's maybe what it meant, so. Okay. But that's okay. I can have the world in a sense. In my hand, you

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (24:15):

Can, if that's, if that's your souls desire, then you get physically to travel the world. Wow. So once again, we go back to that wheel of fortune. What are your choice? What are you going to write on your heart to really live your life, to do, if it is to travel the world with your children, or if it's to have that love of your life, who you travel with with your children?

Jill Nicolini (24:41):

Yes, I get it. I would like, it's

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (24:43):

All. Yeah. It's all up to, to you and you really need to overcome that fear and we all have that fear. I'm in your same boat. I have never been married either. Okay. And I don't have children. I have my cat. You've probably heard, heard her in the

Jill Nicolini (24:56):

Background. I have a cat too. And I had the first one all by myself. So my first child, cuz I didn't have anyone. So I did it alone. The second one I have with a friend, but it was like, yeah, everyone has their cards. What it's meant to be. And I have my cat cuddles as well. I love cats. But it's great to know that we can, should I, should I be, should we write this down? Do you believe in vision boards or you know, how can you tell your clients here like myself for example, should I write down my, wants my desires and should I be looking at them? Or what do you suggest to, to people?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (25:26):

I I'm the list queen

Jill Nicolini (25:27):

Me too. And then the list gets coagulated. I used to put it on a paper and just cross it off. Then I started the phone thing and I don't, the phone is horrible because I can't even like, no. What do you suggest?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (25:39):

I'm a big believer in lists. Yeah. Write down exactly what you want. Keep it short three to five things. Okay. That you truly truly want. And I'm not a vision board person, but I have a lot of friends who are, they take their lists and they make vision boards out of them

Jill Nicolini (25:56):

List is good enough. Right? Good.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (25:58):


Jill Nicolini (25:59):

I don't have space for vision boards.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (26:02):

So write that list and keep it with you always. And when you find yourself getting distracted, go back to that list. Is this on my list? Is this getting me to that thing on my list is this action getting me to that love of my life is this action. Getting me to travel. The world, got it with my children. Is this thing, getting me where I want to be in my career. It's really focusing your intentions of life

Jill Nicolini (26:30):


Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (26:31):

So, and with every action in your life, moving towards those things you truly want,

Jill Nicolini (26:37):

I have to say this, I am not a singer, but now I'm thinking of that song from the eighties because your kids, your kids is on my list and I'm gonna be like, my goals are on my list. I'm gonna listen to that song later. But yes, the list, the list. Write it down. Thank you so much jam Betsy. Wow. Thank you for enlightening us today here. We still have a, a minute left in the show. So what else did you wanna share with everyone today before we get your contact information again too?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (27:05):

I do both email readings and either Skype or in-person readings. Oh cool. And that's all automated on my website so they can go to my website. They can sign up for an email reading or for an in-person reading and sign up for all of that with their schedule. Email readings are truly in amazing because you know, you're awake at three in the morning. Yeah. With this thought question on your mind, you can go to my website and email me and you will get your answer.

Jill Nicolini (27:34):

Wow. That is awesome. I like how that works. I've never met anyone who does that. That's perfect. And are you on social media at all?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (27:41):

I am on social media. I am every, I've got Facebook and Pinterest Google business. I've just in the last couple of days, signed up for TikTok. So there's nothing there yet, but there will be really

Jill Nicolini (27:54):

Soon. Awesome.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (27:55):

And I'm just getting my Pinterest boards going up where I'm going to have tips with how people can really tap into their own intuition and you know, the path to a life they love.

Jill Nicolini (28:05):

Well, thank you again for being here. We really appreciate it, aunt Betsy. You're looking forward to speaking with you again and thank you for my reading. Gave me a lot to think about today. Yeah.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (28:13):

You're welcome. Have a good, yeah, they can find me at AF can betsy.com or just Google AF camp Betsy and they will find me.

Jill Nicolini (28:21):

Beautiful. Thanks so much.

Speaker 4 (28:23):

Hi, it's everybody's favorite aunt Betsy. I'm an intuitive life coach. I use my abilities as a psychic medium and Tarot card reader to help find clarity in your life. Are you struggling to find balance really? Who has time to dream and get it all done? Want real information to move forward in your life, career and family. I can guide you great forward answers so you can be empowered to live your best life. Google ask aunt Betsy to get started on a life. You love


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