KC Armstrong Interviews Elizabeth Toller

Speaker 1 (00:06):

Broadcasting from the business capital of the world. This is the podcast Business News Network.

KC Armstrong (00:13):

Alright guys, welcome back, and I am joined by the owner of Ask an Betsy and Betsy, aunt Betsy. How are you today?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (00:24):

I’m doing great and you?

KC Armstrong (00:25):

I’m terrific. I’m so excited to pick your brain a little bit because for the people who don’t know, it’s the first time I’m having you. Can you tell people a little bit about you and what you do? Because there’s a bunch of it. You wear a lot of hats.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (00:42):

I do wear a lot of hats. I’m an intuitive life coach, which means I use my abilities as a psychic medium and a tarot card reader to help people overcome the blocks in life. Give them direction as to where they’re going, give them the information they need to make decisions about their next phase of life.

KC Armstrong (01:01):

I see. And who’s a great candidate for you to work with you?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (01:08):

Gosh, just about anybody, but I have a lot of small business owners or a lot of people who are contemplating starting a small business. Small, small, what all is encompassing and starting a business. They want to get some deeper insight in choosing their niches, business paths, really facing what they have internally about becoming a business owner.

KC Armstrong (01:33):

I see. So what I’m getting is basically if anyone who has a decision to make or wants to see different options, they should kind of go to you and see what’s out there first. Is that?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (01:47):

Absolutely, yes. I’ve had a lot of people during the pandemic because lives are changing drastically coming to me about what is next in their lives, what information do they need, what challenges do they need to overcome?

KC Armstrong (02:02):

What about relationships? Do you help with that?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (02:05):

I do, absolutely. I get a lot of people coming with relationship issues.

KC Armstrong (02:09):

Yeah. Well, yeah, I guess we all have them, but what would you say the most popular, the most common topic people come to you with? Is it life change, is it relationships? Is it kids? I don’t know.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (02:26):

Mostly career has been career. Career has been the biggest for me because in the pandemic, so many people were laid off. So many people were working to find different avenues to make money. A lot of people starting side businesses because they want to have that security. So if something like this ever happens again and they get laid off,

KC Armstrong (02:49):

Right, yeah, that would be smart.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (02:51):

And now we’re going into a recession, so people are looking for ways to subsidize themselves and make sure they have that security of income.

KC Armstrong (03:01):

I got you. So as far as your life coaching, how do you intertwine your gifts as a psychic and someone who has more intuition than we do into your life coaching? What’s your special sauce basically?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (03:24):

Basically I take all of the information from the universe and I relay it to the client and then we just talk about it. What is true for you in the information that I’m giving you and what can you do to overcome those types of situations? A lot of times people are finding that there are parts of themselves, parts of their personality that they need to really face and overcome, whether it’s shyness or their ability to relate to people, things like that.

KC Armstrong (04:01):

Could it be like a bad relationship track or an addiction or some inner something that people don’t face that’s in the subconscious or something like that?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (04:12):

Absolutely, absolutely. I do with my abilities is help them tap into their subconscious to find out what they don’t know that they don’t know.

KC Armstrong (04:21):

Wow. Yes. So what would be really cool is if, because I’m sure people are out there, yeah, this is really interesting, but I want to know what happens. So say I was a person that wanted to ask you to do a reading. What do I do first? What’s the first step? Do I go to the website? How

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (04:41):

Does it work? You go to the website and you can sign up either for email reading or a in-person. And by in-person I mean video or physically

KC Armstrong (04:52):

In person like this? Yes. Okay, okay. And that’s ask aunt betsy.com, that’s where people go,

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (04:59):


KC Armstrong (05:00):

Yes. Okay. So we set up a time and do we speak beforehand? How does that work?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (05:07):

If it’s an email reading, we’d go back and forth by email. If it’s an in-person reading, I don’t usually talk to my clients beforehand. We start with formulating what their question’s going to be because having a more focused intentional question will help them get the best information so that they can make their decisions, make their choices in life.

KC Armstrong (05:30):

I see. So if I’m going to do a, or I’m going to ask you to help me with reading. I got something going on in my life that I want to ask you. I mean, are there people around me or the spirits around me? Do you see, I mean, just looking at me right now, we just met, is there anything you’ve seen around me? I just need to know how it works because of course no one has the gift that not many people have.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (05:56):

Yeah, there is a lot of energy around you that good or bad, it’s almost always good. Very rarely is it bad. There’s a lot of energy, some of it’s spirit, some of it is influences around you from the people that are physically in the room with you, people that you encounter every day, you carry their energy. So there is a lot of energy surrounding you. Then once we formulate your questions, then I can tap into what that energy is.

KC Armstrong (06:28):

Okay. So I guess if I was going to ask a question, I would say I’m a single guy. Yeah. I guess I would ask, if you wouldn’t mind, maybe you could show us how this is done. I’ll ask you, how long am I going to be single for? Am I going to be single forever or meet somebody? What do you see?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (06:54):

Well, let’s talk about your question a little bit. Okay. Timeframes are a little challenging in the spirit world and timeframes also have a lot to do with you and how aggressive you want to be with the information that you’re going to get. So I would formulate the question more like what do you need to know about yourself so that you can find a partner?

KC Armstrong (07:22):

Okay, that’s a great question.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (07:23):

Yeah, it really has to start from within ourselves.

KC Armstrong (07:27):


Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (07:27):

So do you want me to go ahead and do the reading

KC Armstrong (07:29):

For you? I would love that. It’d be great.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (07:30):

Okay. I’m going to start with shuffling my tarot cards. I use a great little tarot deck that I love. It’s got a crazy name. It’s called The Bastard Deck, and it’s by a company called Seven by Tarot. What the designer of this deck did was take all of the images that she liked from every other deck and made her own deck with them.

KC Armstrong (07:55):

Okay. Okay, cool.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (07:59):

So I’ve been shuffling the cards and putting your intention into them of wanting to know what you need to know about finding a partner. And now I’m going to pull three cards. So the first card is your past. So what has been going on in your life in the immediate past, and it is the nine of wands. And you can see this guy is a little beat up. Can you see it?

KC Armstrong (08:28):

Yeah. Okay.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (08:29):

He’s a little battered and bruised. So that that’s telling me that you’ve kind of been been through quite a bit.

KC Armstrong (08:38):

Some might say that.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (08:40):

Yeah, I’m single as well and I’ve been through it as well, so I can relate. But you have the stamina to keep moving forward. You have the desire to keep finding love for your life. So that’s a really good thing that even though you’ve been through all of these relationships and breakups, good, bad, and ugly. Right on. You still have that stamina to go forward.

KC Armstrong (09:05):

Okay. Yeah, that’s perfect. That’s true.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (09:07):

Yeah. And with all of these relationships, you have been learning things about yourself and I also deal in numerology. So nine is very significant in that numerology goes one to 10 and you are at nine, which means you are so close to ending this cycle, so close to ending the cycle.

KC Armstrong (09:31):


Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (09:32):

Yeah. That’s a good

KC Armstrong (09:34):

Plate. Yeah. Well, I don’t know if people usually interject when you do this, but I often see the same numbers all the time.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (09:42):


KC Armstrong (09:43):

1, 1, 1, 1. And then lately it’s been two, two, but I’m at a nine. So there’s a cycle and I’m very close to getting past the cycle.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (09:57):

You’re very close to ending this cycle.

KC Armstrong (10:00):

How do I do it?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (10:02):

We’re going to get to that.

KC Armstrong (10:03):

Okay. Sorry, I’m going to be quiet. Sorry. I’m excited. I’m having fun.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (10:07):

Okay, so there are two types of cards in the tarot. One is the minor acana, which the nine of wands that you just got is a minor. So that’s all the day-to-day stuff of life. That is how you’ve been living down deep, dirty in your life. So now your present card is the middle one and it’s a Majorana card. So this is major arcana cards are life lessons, kind of what you were put on this earth to do. And you’ve got the fool. And the fool is the first card of the major arcana. The major arcana tells your life story. So you are at the beginning of a whole new life. This is a brand new journey and just like a fool, you need to walk into your future just blind and take whatever comes. Just be open to it all because in your near future you get the two of coins. So the two is partnership. So you are definitely going to be finding a partnership soon. I would love this card to have been cups because cups are in motion, but you’ve got coins, which is money. So this tells me that you’re going to find your next partner somewhere in your career world.

KC Armstrong (11:39):

Okay. They like me for money. Is that what it’s, no, I’m kidding with you, I’m just kidding.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (11:48):

Oh, I would like you if you could keep me in the style. I want to become accustom

KC Armstrong (11:52):

System. Yeah, okay, I got you. I got you and Kate, come on. I’m trying not to say anything.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (11:59):

Yeah, no, this card is telling me it’s not so much that they want you for your money, but it’s somebody that is in your sphere with your career or your job, somebody in that area. And you just really need to take the chance and go for it when you meet that person.

KC Armstrong (12:15):

Okay. And then keep things open.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (12:17):

Keep things open. Yeah, just be open. You’ve got a great personality, just let it out there.

KC Armstrong (12:24):

Oh, thank you. That’s very kind of you. Thank you. Okay, so you pulled two cards or you pull

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (12:34):

I pulled three cards.

KC Armstrong (12:35):

You pulled three cards.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (12:37):

I pulled three cards

KC Armstrong (12:38):

Again. What was the first one meant? The first one,

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (12:40):

The first one was the nine of ones where this is your past

KC Armstrong (12:44):

That’s be beaten up, right? You’ve all been

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (12:46):

Beaten up.

KC Armstrong (12:48):

The cycle going to end

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (12:49):

And the cycle’s about to end with that. Your present is the fool, which is just the beginning of everything, the beginning of a whole new life cycle for you. And you just need to be open to it all, whatever comes your way.

KC Armstrong (13:05):

Awesome. Hey, that was really cool. Thank you. So if someone was watching it and see how excited I was and how much fun that was, and it’s really neat. How do people get involved and do that Again?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (13:19):

They just sign up for a session on my website, which is and ask aunt betsy.com. They go on there onto the sales page. I do email readings where we correspond by email and with the email readings they also get a written summary of the reading as well as a video of the cards that I pull and an oral explanation. As I talk about the cards, I use what’s called a Celtic cross reading for those, which is a 10 card reading. So it goes much more in depth than the three card reading that we just did. It’s a much more in depth, really gives much more information about where you’re at, what you’re grappling with, and then how to move forward from there. And then the video reading works a lot like you and I do. We talk about the question, then I do the tilted cross reading and explain all of that. And then if there’s follow-up questions, then I do some three card readings to get some more information.

KC Armstrong (14:17):

Alright, well first of all, thank you for doing that for me. I really welcome. Appreciate it taking the time to do that. I really do appreciate it. Let me go to the audience. Do I have instant feedback that came in here, Mr. Producer? Let’s see what they’re saying.

Speaker 4 (14:36):

Yeah, Sarah in New York says, that sounds like a lot of fun. How do I know which questions I should ask when I get into a reading?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (14:44):

It’s really what they need to know about their life. Are they grappling with something in a relationship, something with business? Should they change jobs? Should they not? What do they need to know about themselves to interact with coworkers? It’s really about what they want to know. Whatever issue in their life they’re grappling with.

KC Armstrong (15:05):

Okay. All right, great. And once again, I’m sorry it’s monotonous, but just in case people just tune it in, how do they get there? Again, website.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (15:14):

Ask aunt betsy.com. And also people are having challenges with their question. I do have a guide on my website. It’s nine Tips to a Life-changing tarot reading. So that gives them some ideas of how to formulate their question and also some sample questions.

KC Armstrong (15:31):

That’s awesome. So if if something is missing and they really don’t know what to do, they go on there and then they could, they got the guidance.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (15:39):

Awesome. Yes, they can download my guide, read through that, see about how to ask the question, and then book a session with me. And if they do download that guide, they get $25 off an email reading.

KC Armstrong (15:52):

Nice. So

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (15:53):

That’s a great way for them to start.

KC Armstrong (15:55):

Okay. Well I’m loving Ann Bey. So let’s go back to the instant feedback here and see what people are saying.

Speaker 4 (16:04):

Kathy in Boston wants to know, does putting a timeline on some of these things create unfair expectations?

KC Armstrong (16:10):

Ooh, go on.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (16:11):

Oh, absolutely. Because the universe doesn’t have time relations. That’s a manmade thing.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (16:22):

So the time in saying something’s going to happen in three to six months, that’s all in how you react to the information and what steps you take. If you’re slower at taking steps, then it might be longer. If you’re really fast, it might be in two weeks. So timing is all within yourself and how you move forward on your path. And it also has to do with choices that you make. If I do a reading for you and you don’t like the information that I’m giving you, you don’t like the path that you’re on and you decide to make different choices, then that timeline is completely different and may not happen at all.

KC Armstrong (17:01):

I see. Interesting. And let me piggyback on top of that question from Kathy. Kathy, thank you Kathy. I heard, I don’t know if, what do you think about crystal’s and do you ever work with crystals? Cause I’m wondering, I always told that a quartz crystal amplifies things. Yes. So if I do a reading or someone wants to do a reading, should they have anything in the room? Should they dress differently? Should they have tea? What goes along with it?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (17:37):

They should do whatever they’re comfortable with and they need to be in a relaxed state and open to receive the information. A lot of my clients will take a few minutes and meditate or pray or whatever they need to do before we have the reading. That way they’re open for whatever the information the universe has for them. I’m not a big crystal user. I do have some, but they do every crystal. I know every crystal stone does have intentions. And just a little tip for the married women out there, diamonds are an amplification stone. So if you’re having a fight with your husband, take your ring off.

KC Armstrong (18:21):

Okay, awesome.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (18:24):

Yeah. I do also use a pendulum, which is basically, let me show you. One is basically just a chain with something at the end. This is a little cage with a stone in it, and I use it to confirm some of the information.

KC Armstrong (18:44):

What do you mean? Like confirm? What does it show you? Is it something that we wouldn’t understand?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (18:50):

It does, yes and no. You ask it questions and it gives you yes and no. So the way it’s swinging now is a yes question. Now I’m asking it to give me a no answer or no response. So let’s ask, will Casey be meeting somebody soon that he can have a romantic relationship with?

KC Armstrong (19:11):

And it’s

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (19:11):

Saying yes.

KC Armstrong (19:13):

Cool. Alright. We like the pendulum.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (19:16):

Cool. Yes, we do. So that just is another way to get confirmation of the information.

KC Armstrong (19:25):

Awesome. When did you first know that you had this gift that you weren’t kind of the same as everybody else?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (19:31):

I was very young. I think I was about four and I was at my great uncle’s funeral and I realized that he was standing next to the casket as well as laying in the casket. And my grandmother explained to me what was going on.

KC Armstrong (19:48):

Was he looking at you? Was he saying anything or was he just standing there?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (19:51):

He was just standing there. It was an Irish wake. Everybody was walking up to the casket to do shots with the body.

KC Armstrong (19:58):

No. Is that true?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (19:59):

Yeah. That’s what happens at an Irish wake. Everybody goes to say their goodbyes to the body and they do a shot. So they were all doing that and he was just standing there just listening to what everybody had to say.

KC Armstrong (20:12):

Wow. And how did you feel? Did it scare you or did it make you feel good?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (20:17):

No, it was just a little confused. And then when my grandmother explained it to me

KC Armstrong (20:22):

So she knew at all. Anybody in your family had that too? They did, yes.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (20:27):


KC Armstrong (20:28):

Wow, how interesting. Yeah. Cool. Okay, let’s go back to the fans. They got a lot of questions for you. So let’s go back to instant feedback Producer. What? You got me buddy?

Speaker 4 (20:39):

We have Scott Phoenix wants to know when I come in for a reading, should I ask specific details or keep my questions

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (20:51):

Asking open-ended question is very important, but if they have details about a specific person, like they’re having issues with a coworker at work, it’s like, what do I need to know about this situation with Casey?

KC Armstrong (21:04):

Right, right. Yeah, yeah,

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (21:06):

Yeah. What do I need to know about my relationship with my wife, Ann? If there is somebody that is involved in that and what you need to know about your interactions with them, then it’s good information for me. Okay.

KC Armstrong (21:22):

I was going to tell Scott, don’t do what I did and because this is what I do for a living, I talk. So don’t interrupt the person who’s doing the reading for you. And I’m very sorry about that, if that happens.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (21:36):

No, no, that’s okay. People do that all the time. They ask questions and they want to get to the end before I’m ready to give them the ending.

KC Armstrong (21:45):

I apologize for that, but you won’t be on the radio when you’re doing your reading, Scott, so you got time. You could relax and go from there. But thank you Scott. Great question. Can we do one more? We can. Okay, cool. We got one more.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (22:03):


Speaker 4 (22:04):

Ryan in Portland wants to know, I’m not happy at my current job, but I’m scared to enter the job world. Is my mindset the only thing holding me back?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (22:13):

Most likely? Most likely. And we can do a reading based on your mindset and what obstacles you need to overcome with your mindset. I deal a lot with people who are experiencing fear and what it is that they need to face to move past that fear.

KC Armstrong (22:32):

Yeah. You were telling me before that a lot of it has to do with career. People will try and will you stick with ’em with the life coaching? Will you take ’em on as a client? Do you have room?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (22:44):

Absolutely, yes. Absolutely. Yes. I do have my clients who I see on a monthly basis and we talk about the information the universe is giving them what their next steps are. Then at the next one then we talk about what have they done, where are they going, what choices are they making in their life around the information that I gave them the last time.

KC Armstrong (23:05):

Awesome. Guys, I’m speaking with the owner of Ask Aunt Betsy and Betsy and can I fit one more in? Yeah. Alright, cool. Let’s get one more in. Let’s do it.

Speaker 4 (23:18):

So we have Stacy in Los Angeles wants to know, do you believe in chance events or is everything a part of the path we’re currently on?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (23:28):

Good question. I believe in free will and we are on the path in life, but we make decisions every day that change that path. So there can be Chance encounters along the way because we’ve made a different choice than the path that we were on and it altered it a little bit. So it’s putting us into new circumstances.

KC Armstrong (23:51):

I see. But it’s very important, as you said, to stay open, right?

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (23:55):


KC Armstrong (23:56):

Okay. Yes. And Betsy, I have enjoyed this time. Again, I want to thank you for the reading and for spending time with me. You’re welcome. Welcome. But I want to give you the last minute here. Just when I was a kid, my grandmother, when she wanted to hear from me, she would say, Casey, you have the floor, so anything you want the audience to know to leave with, you have the floor as my grandmother would say. So please,

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (24:27):

What I do is to help my clients really focus on what is next in their lives. And it can be anything from relationships to their self-confidence to their finances, career, just a new perspective in life in general. I have people who have come to me and they’re like, I’m just in this funk. What do I need to do to get past the funk? And that’s been a real common one through the pandemic. As I said, I use my abilities as a psychic, a medium, and a tarot reader. Quite a few times during my readings, a relative or a friend of the person I’m reading for will come through and we’ll have information for them.

KC Armstrong (25:21):

I lost you just for a second, and Betsy, we’re at the end anyway. Oh, there you go. Okay. I’m sorry.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (25:32):

Oh, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened there.

KC Armstrong (25:35):

It’s okay.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (25:36):

Yeah. I really help people tap into their self-conscious so that they can learn what they don’t know so that they can change cycles in life and change habits.

KC Armstrong (25:46):

Perfect. And then the website guys, it’s ask aunt betsy.com. I’ve enjoyed this. Thank you so much. You have to say next everybody, we’ll be right back.

Elizabeth aka Aunt Betsy (25:57):


Speaker 1 (26:04):

Broadcasting from the business capital of the world, this is the podcast Business News Network.

Elizabeth Toller was interviewed by KC Armstrong for the Podcast Business News Network.

Elizabeth also known as Aunt Betsy is an Intuitive Tarot Coach.


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